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Our Program Teaches You from the Alphabet to Proficiency with a Money-Back Guarantee on Completion

I’ll show you real stories of our students’ progress from start to finish, and then you can decide if you want to achieve the same with our Arabic program.


Join our 3000+ students worldwide

How's this possible?

We Approach things differently...

You see... most teachers, institutions and programs stuff down your throat grammar rules and morphology in the beginning...

Then they teach you all types of technical rules...

And at the end you still don't even know how to properly communicate in practice, even though you spent years learning and going over all these technical concepts.

Sounds familiar?

Well, there's a better way of learning Arabic...

The 1.75% Concept That I've Used

To Personally Become Fluent In Arabic In 1 Year

This is the same method I've used to learn Catalan, Spanish, French and English.

And you know what's the best part?

You have used it as well at one point in your life to learn English

When You Want To Learn a Language

You Need To Consider Yourself As a Baby...

That's Why Grammar And Morphology
Is Not What You Should Start With When Learning Arabic...

Instead, you need to focus on the following...

The Only 3 Things You Need
To Focus On The 1st Year To Become Fluent In Arabic

The process is simple to understand....

But sticking to the journey until the end is not easy.

Only a small percentage of students manage to do so.

Strive to be one of them.

Linguistics experts have found

that on average a person needs to know 1.75% of vocabulary in any language to understand 95% of that language.

Let’s Say You Learn 1.75%
Of Lisan al ‘Arab…

If we focus on 1.75% off 100,000 lexical items...

That would be 1750 words…

If you divide 1750 words by 24 months (720 days)…

It means that you only need to memorise 2 words per day in order for
you to understand 95% of the language after 24 months…

Do you think you can do that?

And the good news is that
if all of what we spoke about until now makes sense to you…

You’re officially qualified to speak and understand Arabic the same way I speak and understand English and better in sha Allah in less 24 months!

That's Why We Created The Andalus Institute Arabic Program

Is a step-by-step guide on how to go from zero to fluent in Arabic at your own pace.

It is more than just a simple course. It is a full curriculum program designed to change you, your life and your habits.

That's why when you join today, you're not only going to get access to the recorded video lessons, live daily conversational
sessions, verbal tests, worksheets and templates, but you're also going to join a full community of students of the Arabic
language that only pushes each other to succeed.

This will shortcut your learning curve by years.


The Perfectly Engineered Arabic Program

Proven Process

We turned the guesswork of learning the language into a science. Follow practical step-by-step instructions that are proven to work and track your progress using reliable metrics.

Brain Hacking

Our approach to learning the Arabic language is based upon discipline and not motivation as many pretend. Discover who you are, interests, biases, habits, behavior patterns. Reprogram your brain for high efficiency.

Student Community

It's hard to learn the language by yourself. Join an active community of students of the Arabic language, collaborate, get help, practice conversation, make friends and have fun.

Expert Mentorship

No matter how good the program is, you'll always have questions. Get 24/7 access to qualified teachers in our student community group, 1on1 calls if necessary, weekly live stream, and email.

Who Is This For?

  • People who are willing to learn the Arabic language but don’t even know how to read

  • People who know how to read but don’t have any vocabulary

  • People who have some vocabulary but you still can’t form sentences

  • People who studied long time ago and forgot most of the vocabulary

  • People who want a proven method that you know if you finish you will be able to read the average classical Arabic text
    and understand it


What The Students Have To Say About It...

Don't listen to us, listen to the students who actually went through the program